Welcome To Casa Cerdo & The Roadhouse

The bunkhouses at SandFork Ranch, aka “Casa Cerdo” and the "Roadhouse", are set up as a true bunkhouse. There is a full kitchen/living area complete with comfortable seating. Between the two bunkhouses there are eight beds with each hunter having their own “closet” to house their personal belongings. Then, there are the restroom facilities. Two individual spaces with toilets, two individual showers, as well as a couple of sinks. WiFi, satellite tv, and city water can be enjoyed along with a covered wrap-around porch with seating and fire ring. A wood/charcoal burning grill is available on the bunkhouse’s porch to use.

There is a 25x10 foot mudroom to house all of the hunters gear, coolers, and weapon cases. There is a wash rack right outside of the mudroom to clean boots when the need arises.

There is an 85-yard rifle range as well as bow targets out to 30 yards. For those that like to fish, we have a fishing pond to enjoy during the midday downtime. Only a very short walk from the bunkhouse.

Extra Amenities

Texas Fishing Guide 

SandFork Ranch is partnering with Richard Foust at Bittercreek
Outdoors Unlimited to offer fishing trips to our hunters! You can fish
for a half day prior to showing up to the ranch for your hog hunt. 5+
local lakes. $350 for 1 or $400 for 2. Oak Creek, Hubbard Creek,
Lake Sweetwater , Lake Spence, and Lake JB Thomas.